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Great American Outdoors


You won’t believe what this bear had to drink!

Many years ago, I was the cook in an elk camp.  The camp was situation along one of Montana’s blue ribbon trout streams, Rock Creek.  Being a recent high school graduate that hadn’t quite turned 18 years old, I thought I had the world by the horns.  After dinner, we’d stoke up a camp fire and turn up the Ian Tyson tunes.  Some of the hunters would go down to the creek and pull their 6 pack out that had been cooling off all day while they hunted.  Rainier was a local favorite at the time and I can still see a 6 pack or two sitting in a pool of that stream.  Coincidentally, the song I remember the most that Ian crooned had to do with a coyote getting drunk on the moon.

For one black bear in Washington, he also took a liking to Rainier beer!  He drank so much he passed out.  Wait unti you read how wildlife agents lured him into a cage so he could be relocated!  Cheers!

“Agents from the department of Fish and Wildlife in Washington found a black bear sleeping off a major buzz, with three dozen empty cans of Rainier beer close by.”

“While a drunken bear is a bit unusual, the most unusual part of the story is what the bear left behind.”

‘“He drank the Rainier and wouldn’t drink the Busch beer,” Mount Baker campground employee Lisa Broxson told NBC News.”‘

‘“It definitely had a preference.”’

“Employees confirmed the bear tried one can of Busch beer, but ignored the rest.”

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