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Great American Outdoors


An Entire Pack Of Wild African Dogs Rolls-Up On A Lone Warthog…Guess Who Comes-Out On Top

A single warthog walks down the road and runs smack-dab and into an entire pack (I count 13) of wild African dogs. Now, normally a single warthog wouldn’t stand a chance against such odds, but the wild pig isn’t backing down. Watch for yourself just how this adult warthog stands up to a pack of wild dogs without getting attacked. He has to stand his ground because if he runs the wild dogs will attack him; he also has to ensure that they don’t get behind him, because once they surround him, he’s toast.

African wild dog’s rely on their phenomenal stamina to tire their prey and the combined strength of the pack to bring their prey down. Fortunately for the brave warthog, two members of another species comes to his rescue and he gets to live another day, much to the chagrin of the pack.

Regarding the two species:

The African wild dog (Lycaon pictus), also known as African hunting dog, African painted dog, Cape hunting dog or painted wolf, is a canid native to Sub-Saharan Africa. It is the largest of its family in Africa, and the only extant member of the genus Lycaon, which is distinguished from Canis by its fewer toes and its dentition, which is highly specialized for a hyper-carnivorous diet. It is classified as endangered by the IUCN, as it has disappeared from much of its original range.

Common Warthog is identifiable by the two pairs of tusks protruding from the mouth and curving upwards. The lower pair, which is far shorter than the upper pair, becomes razor-sharp by rubbing against the upper pair every time the mouth is opened and closed.The tusks are used for digging, for combat with other hogs, and in defense against predators – the lower set can inflict severe wounds. Common warthog ivory is taken from the constantly growing canine teeth. The tusks, particularly the upper set, work in much the same way as elephant tusks with all designs scaled down. Tusks are carved predominantly for the tourist trade in east and southern Africa.



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