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Watch what happens to this Pennsylvania hunter! [Video]

For several years, I turkey hunted a property where the adjoining landowner did not like turkey hunting.  Every morning she would come out with her broom and begin to run it up and down the ladder she kept by her back door.  Somedays she would just beat on a pan.  It was aggravating but it became a ritual almost.  Most importantly, it really never messed up my hunts.  Nowadays, I like to hunt off the beaten path, away from roadways and people in general.  Somedays I sit in my treestand for the peace and solitudue more than for the hunting.  There is something about being 20 feet up in a tree, watching a broomstraw field just enjoying nature.  I think I would have to find a new hobby if I was this Pennsylvania hunter.  When it comes to peaceful hunting this guy doesn’t have much luck!

“Have you had a guy drive his truck right up to your stand while you’re in it? How about a another person driving his ATV all over your hunting grounds? Maybe you’ve encountered a jerk the uses airhorns to scare deer away. This all happened to one poor hunter in Northeastern Pennsylvania.”

“Have you had a guy drive his truck right up to your stand while you’re in it? How about a another person driving his ATV all over your hunting grounds? Maybe you’ve encountered a jerk the uses airhorns to scare deer away. This all happened to one poor hunter in Northeastern Pennsylvania.”

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