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Convenience store owner stops robbery!

One Massachusetts convenience store owner had an unnerving incident in his store earlier this week.  Azhar Ali owns his own business and works hard daily to make it a success.  During store hours the other day in walks an armed assailant looking to rob Mr. Ali.  Mr. Ali however was not going to let this criminal come in and take his hard earned money without a fight.  As you can see in the store’s survelliance video the store owner was willing to protect his business.  Criminals think people are just going to let them come in and take whatever they want.  What they fail to realize is people work too hard for what they have and are willing to stand up.  Thankfully, this knife carrying robber is behind bars!

“Azhar Ali says a man walked into his convenience store in Lynn, Massachusetts Wednesday evening demanding his hard-earned money.”

‘“I stand on my feet for 10 hours I work hard I won’t give him money like that,” said Ali. “He just bring the knife here and tried to put me here and so I said “what’s up?” And he said open the drawer, open the drawer.”‘

“Surveillance video from the Lynn Mart shows Ali wasn’t letting the man, identified as 41-year-old Joel Peralta of Beverly, get away.”

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