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Kentucky waterfowl hunters convicted and fined!

An investigation that began back in 2016 has finally been settled in the case against five men accused of waterfowl violations.  Poachers are constantly giving hunters a bad name.  Thankfully, these five will have several years to think about their wrong-doings.  Glad to see Kentucky was tough on the violators which is the way it should be in each state.  Natural resources belong to everyone and it isn’t fair that some think they can break the law.  Crime just doesn’t pay, not matter how big or small.  Just do it the right way.  States set their rules and regulations for a reason.  Abide by them so everyone can enjoy the sport, no matter how big or small.

“Five Kentucky and Tennessee residents paid more than $10,000 in fines and restitution after pleading guilty in Fulton District Court to charges resulting after joint investigations by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Special Investigations Unit (SIU) officers and conservation officers looking into illegal waterfowl hunting guides.”

“SIU and conservation officers from the First Law Enforcement District in western Kentucky say the five also forfeited $16,400 in firearms and equipment and lost hunting privileges for a total of 16 years.”

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