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Pacific Halibut fishing nearshore is open in Oregon!

Halibut are those big, bottom-dwelling cousins of flounder and a popular sports fish on the west coast.  They are also popular served up on dinner plates across the country.  Oregon just announced their nearshore Pacific halibut fishery opening and this year there will be increased poundage. This additional poundage will allow for a longer season.  Thankfully, the combination should make for happy halibut anglers.  Please remember to check local regulations in your quest for halibut!

“The Pacific halibut nearshore sport fishery in the Columbia River Subarea will open to seven days per week, starting this week.”

“The all-depth fishery closed, with approximately 1,000 pounds remaining on the quota. That is not enough to open for additional all-depth days. That remaining quota has been transferred to the nearshore fishery, allowing the additional days per week to be open. The nearshore fishery will be open until the revised quota of 1,511 pounds is harvested, or September 30, whichever comes first.”

“The area between Humbug Mountain and the OR/CA Border is open at all depths for Pacific halibut seven days a week through Oct. 31 or until the quota of 10,039 pounds has been met, whichever comes first.”

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