Oregon DFW is asking for steelhead help!
Fish and Wildlife agencies set limits and seasons for a reason. These limits and seasons are not always met with cooperation from the get go. However, these regulations are put in places to protect wildlife and fisheries as well as provide the best hunting and fishing. Oregon is currently asking anglers to assist in improving the steelhead population. Please help anyway you can if you fish Oregon waters for steelhead!
Due to current low populations of steelhead Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is adding additional regulations and revising seasons. However, Oregon DFW is promoting other types of fishing to keep anglers on the water. Fishing for other fish such as bass and walleye have an additional benefit for the steelhead as well. These larger predatory fish feed on steelhead. And, its always fun to fish for something new! If you do catch steelhead please keep reading for ways to handle your fish that will offer them the best protection once returned to the water.
“Facing some of the lowest steelhead returns on record, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has already curtailed steelhead fishing seasons throughout the Columbia River basin by adopting rolling season closures, reduced bag limits, and a night angling closure for all species.”
“Additionally, ODFW is asking anglers to further help the region’s steelhead by adopting ODFW’s best handling practices when they’re out on the water this summer.”
“With returns of steelhead so low, another strategy is to not target them and focus on other species, including warmwater species such as bass, walleye, and pikeminnow. These species are not only fun to catch but they also prey on juvenile steelhead and salmon.”
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