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Great American Outdoors


Did you know migrating monarch butterfiles stop over in Michigan?

I think I have added a new item to my bucket list.  I love nature and all the cool things about the outdoors.  Mother nature adds quite a bit of character for one spot on Michigan’s UP.  Michingan’s Upper Peninsula is known for its abudant wildlife and beautiful scenery.  At Peninsula Point you can view the breathtaking views of Lake Michigan and if you visit at the right time, you may have the opportunity to catch migrating monarchs.

Monarchs on their way to the Sierra Madres make a stop over at Peninsula Point.  This resting point is used before they take off for their non-stop trip across Lake Michigan.  I love seeing monarchs as the migrate across my home state.  Twenty three in one day across the football field on sunny October morning while my son was playing ball is my top number.  I can’t imagine seeing thousands.  Maybe next year!

“In a quiet, out-of-the-way corner of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, down a narrow, winding, one-lane road, lies a unique spot whose significance you might not guess from its secluded surroundings.”

“Peninsula Point lighthouse, at the end of the Stonington Peninsula in Delta County, offers spectacular views of Lake Michigan, a scenic place to enjoy a walk along the beach or a picnic, and excellent birdwatching, with more than 200 species of birds recorded there.”

“Then there’s the maritime history – the lighthouse, which was built in 1865 and once guided ships carrying iron ore and other products, is on the National Register of Historic Places.”

“But what Peninsula Point is most known – and visited – for is its connection to the monarch butterfly.”

‘“Just as the Peninsula Point lighthouse guided ships on Lake Michigan, the Stonington Peninsula guides monarch butterflies as they begin their 1,900-mile migration south to their wintering grounds in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico,” reads a sign that greets visitors. “In the fall, thousands of monarchs can be seen here, waiting for favorable conditions before they cross Lake Michigan.”’

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