Commie City Worker Tells Local Business To ‘Take Down Their Flags’ Then Insults Combat Veteran Customer
I very rarely step into the political arena, but this is something I consider so vile, I would be remiss if I didn’t say anything. Please share this with everyone you know.
A low-level city employee ordered a local business to take down their military flags from above their store, or be fined by the city. She then had the audacity to insult a customer inside the store who just happened to be a combat veteran.
The city worker, Melinda Power, then confronted a young man inside the store, who had been wounded several times while on active duty, she looked into his face and said: “You did NOTHING for our country!”. This is what the Democrat/Progressives are doing to this nation !!
Military Flags not allowed in Jacksonville??? City worker Melinda Power cites Jaguar Power Sports for flying military flags … but wait it gets better.
Here’s the video:
Thank you so much for all the support all around the country. The support has come near and far. The city of Jacksonville is working with our company to make sure things like this does not happen again. Thank you Mayor of Jacksonville for reaching out and helping us with this. Our voice was heard and thank you for everyone for helping .
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