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Watch As Predator X Hunts In Deep Water

Predator X is the informal name given to‭ ‬a‭ ‬marine reptile that is still undergoing reconstruction and study.‭ ‬This marine reptile is excitingly,‭ ‬possibly the largest pliosaur ever to live,‭ ‬but frustratingly the most fragmented.‭
‬With fossil remains of an individual that is composed of roughly twenty thousand bone fragments,‭ ‬the reconstruction of Predator X‭ ‬is akin to assembling a super difficult three dimensional jigsaw without even the original image for reference.‭ ‬As such palaeontologists have been painstakingly reassembling this massive marine predator,‭ ‬doing everything that they can to get it right.
From the work done so far Predator X appears to have been an exceptionally large pliosaur,‭ ‬a group of marine reptiles that were an evolutionary offshoot from the long necked plesiosaurs that ended up being the apex predators of‭ ‬the‭ ‬worlds‭’‬ oceans throughout the Jurassic and early to mid-Cretaceous periods.‭
‬Unlike their plesiosaur cousins however,‭ ‬pliosaurs notably had shorter necks that supported much larger skulls.‭ ‬Early indications of the total size of Predator X suggest that it may have grown to around fifteen meters long,‭ ‬making it much bigger that other well-known large pliosaurs such as Kronosaurus and Pliosaurus and a lot bigger than Liopleurodon which is often incorrectly labelled as reaching twenty-five meters long when in fact the largest known specimen is a little over six meters long.‭
Predator X may have also been a match for the later giant mosasaurs such as Tylosaurus and‭ ‬Mosasaurus which lived later at the end of the Cretaceous.  The large size of Predator X meant that when fully grown it would have been capable of taking down almost any other prey from marine reptiles like plesiosaurs,‭ ‬ichthyosaurs and smaller pliosaurs to gigantic fish similar to Leedsichthys.





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