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Great American Outdoors

Big Cats

How Do You Feed 100 BIG CATS Every Single Day…VERY CAREFULLY

I know that I seem to be repeating myself quite a bit lately, but it’s because I’m a very passionate individual , who, when I believe something is truly worth while, I focus on that thing quite a bit. I really believe in what Big Cat Rescue is attempting to do. The staff is attentive and very professional when it comes to caring for the felines at their facility. And as you will see in the video below, they feed these animals very good, fresh, quality food along with vitamins and any medication the animals might need.
Big Cat Rescue’s mission is to provide the best home they can for the cats in their care, end abuse of big cats in captivity and prevent extinction of big cats in the wild. Big Cat Rescue has many species of cats, many of whom are threatened, endangered or extinct now in the wild, including: Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Cougars, Bobcats, Lynx, Servals, Ocelots and Caracals.
The cats at Big Cat Rescue are there for a variety of reasons, including:
#1.Abandoned by owners who wrongly thought they would make good pets
#2. Abused by owners in order to force them to perform
#3..Retired from performing acts
#4. Saved from being slaughtered to make fur coats
#5. Rescued as babies after hunters killed their mothers



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