Well it looks like Vicky is back home after her vacation to the Bahamas and she’s diving right back into her favorite thing…bikini bowfishing! Man, but I do like this girl! It’s been 4 years since I published an article with Vicky bow-fishing, so let me make up for that right now.
Vicky uses Osceola Outback as her guide service for these little adventures, so let me tell you all about them. If you’re ever in Florida you can book a trip with them and have an awesome fishing trip just like Vicky Stark.
This is from their website osceolaoutback.com:
Osceola Outback is a full time guide service offering you some of Florida’s most unique fishing adventures.
Barramundi fishing, or “Fish The Pit” as our customers refer to it, is a one of a kind experience!
This is because Osceola Outback is the first and only Barramundi guide service in North America.
Native to Australia and weighing as much as 100lbs, Barramundi are hard hitting, drag screaming, strong fighters that love to fly out of the water to display their power.
The property is a working farm and our Barramundi are stocked so that no angler goes home without hooking up more times that you could count.
Florida has become one of the go-to states for bowfishing.
Florida has hot summers and warm winters and also has an abundance of “non-game” fish for the taking. With an estimated 3 million acres of lakes, ponds and reservoirs plus another 12,000 miles of rivers, streams and canals we will have no trouble putting you on a great day or night trip for bowfishing.
Osceola Outback offers day time and night time trips. You will have opportunities to shoot Tilapia, Gar, Bowfin and Catfish.
Okay, now that you are up too speed, sit back and watch Vicky do her thing!!
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