Firearm Safety
Watch As Paul Harrell Shows Us His Top Ten Tips For First Time Pandemic Gun Buyers
Since I believe Paul Harrell to be a knowledgeable stand-up kind of guy, I thought these two videos might be a good thing to watch, especially for some of you folks out there who’ve never bought a gun before and are doing so only because of the pandemic, also, because of the horrific rise in violent crime across the country.
Let’s face it, in almost every single Democrat controlled city and state across this country, if you do call 911, it could take anywhere between a half an hour, or more for the cops to make it to your home, or in some cases, maybe not at all. So it’s going to be up to you to defend yourself, your family and your property.
If you are one of those people who aren’t really into guns, but have decided that now is the time to buy one but don’t really know which one to buy, then the two videos in this article are two you should watch before you go out and buy a gun.
Like I said, Paul Harrell knows his stuff and even though each video is just over a half an hour long, they are most definitely worth your time to watch and afterwards you should be ready to go out and find a gun that suits you and your particular needs.
One more thing, after you purchase your firearm, I suggest that you contact the NRA and find a safety instructor near you so that you will learn how to safely use your new firearm.
Okay, I think I’ve said enough, so now watch the videos below and then take it from there.
Here is part two.
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