First, I want to get something straight, you cannot buy this particular ammunition at your local sporting goods store. It was created by a guy named Evan Perry, he designs jewelry out of spent shell casings.
In regards to the ammunition in the video below, Evan was tinkering around and wanted to see what he could come up with. Evan has his own company called Rhinestone Hurricane where he designs and manufactures these items.
If you want to contact him and place some orders of custom jewelry your own, you can do so my clicking HERE.
Also, if you wish to find Evan on Facebook, you can do so by clicking HERE, I’m sure he would appreciate it if you checked his page out.
As to the maker’s of the video below, they have this to say about their YouTube channel ‘TAOFLEDERMAUS’:
We create original videos, many of which are viewer-suggestions. From strange demonstrations of mercury, to shooting projectiles made by viewers and other YouTube channels. Instead of being passive observers, viewers can become part of the the video production process by suggesting ideas.
I wish I had more information to give you, but that’s all I was able to dig up, but the video is very interesting, so kick-back and enjoy!
H/T – Rhinestone Hurricane – TAOFLEDERMAUS
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