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Great American Outdoors


When a lady asks her guy to teach her to fish the relationship could go either way!

In terms of strained relationships, helping your girlfriend learn to fish could teter the scale either way.  Some guys like to fish with their buddies while others do not mind taking their lady along.  How would you feel if your girlfriend asked you to teach her to fish?  Are you keeping thoughts in the back of your mind that she could catch the biggest fish or the most fish?  Maybe you really do not care and cannot wait to get her on the river bank with you.  Either way, there are some ladies that just want to learn to fish and want to learn the right way to cast, in hopes of catching a fish!  It might not come easy but most things worthwhile in life do not come easy!

“Should a guy try to teach his gal to fish? Never! That’s the conventional wisdom. Chris knew I’d written TU’s Guide to America’s 100 Best Trout Streams when we met. ‘“I’ve always wanted to fly fish,” confided this inner city Baltimore lady on our first date. “Will you teach me?”’

“No surer route to relationship Armageddon was there, I thought, than trying to teach a new lady friend to fish. When giving instructions, I have a tendency to be a bit authoritarian—highly unusual, I’ll admit, among gents of my vintage. Not only that, but I’m told with some frequency by people who actually know me that my casting technique is so bad it’s a wonder that I catch any trout at all. We agree on one thing: I’m the last one to teach anyone how to throw a fly.”

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