Native Americans
Forgotten History: The Choctaw-Bigfoot War of 1855 [VIDEO]
For countless generations of native history in North America, stories have been told that recall both actual experiences and ‘legend’. But what happens when the two are inexorably intertwined? Where does the story cease and the legend begin and are they both just one and the same ?
To dismiss the native accounts of the Sasquatch (or as he is otherwise called ‘Bigfoot’), would be woefully ignorant on our part. After all, to the native people of North America, these ‘stories’, or ‘legends’, all come from a time and place when they were both one and the same.
The story below comes from a time in our country’s history not all that long ago and I think, that to simply dismiss it outright, would be a mistake. But I am only the story teller, there is no video, no photos, or even any physical souvenir’s from this event, so I guess you are just going to have to take it a face value.
This is a brief written description of the incident:
“The “Choctaw Bigfoot War of 1855” is a folklore story where the Choctaw tribe in what is now Oklahoma faced a series of mysterious attacks, including livestock theft, and ultimately, the abduction of women and children, which they believed were perpetrated by large, beast-like creatures resembling Bigfoot, leading to a supposed battle with these creatures.
With the story centering around a Choctaw warrior named Joshua Lefleur who led a war party against them; while the story has historical roots with the Lefleur family, there is no concrete historical documentation to confirm the encounters with Sasquatch-like beings, and it remains primarily within Choctaw oral tradition.
According to the story, the Choctaw warriors eventually confront and kill the creatures in a violent battle, though the encounter leaves them deeply traumatized. It is important to note however, that while the story is passed down through Choctaw folklore, there is no official historical record to verify the existence of the “Bigfoot War”, or the encounters with such creatures.
The story is often seen as a blend of ‘indigenous mythology’ about dangerous forest creatures and the real-life challenges faced by the Choctaw people during their forced relocation to Oklahoma during the time known as the “Trail of tears”.
The video below is 33 minutes long and it talks about Choctaw history, as well as a description of the incident. Is it real, or can it just be chalked-up as just another ‘native superstition’…you decide.”
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