Stories By Richard Anthony
An In Depth Look At The Henry Big Boy .44 Magnum Lever Action Rifle
April 14, 2020I have published several articles about Henry rifles here at Great American Outdoors…and for good reason....
Military Equipment
Here Are Some Serious Badass Military Vehicles Out There Today
April 14, 2020When I joined the United States Army in 1975, the vehicles we had for troop transport...
Watch As Vicky Stark Goes Bottom Fishing For Snapper & Permit In The Florida Keys
April 11, 2020So, while I was sitting here on lockdown in my house, in Vancouver, Washington, I got...
The Mossberg “Shockwave” In .410 Gauge…A Good Home Defense Shotgun
April 11, 2020While searching for material to write an article about, I came across the video below and...
Great Video Of An Amazing Bull Moose Kill-Shot With A Bow
April 10, 2020*WARNING* The video in this article contains graphic images of hunting wild animals…sensitive viewers should refrain...
Military Firearms
Watch As Ashley Goes To The Range With The Romanian MD.90
April 10, 2020JMac Customs’ videos are usually pretty good, they always feature Ashley and since everyone likes to...
Historical Firearms
Here Is One Of The Cheapest Most Durable & Accurate Surplus Rifles You Can Buy…The Russian Mosin Nagant
April 9, 2020When one thinks of the weapons of the old Soviet Union (circa World War II) one...
Off Road Vehicles
This Has To Be The Ultimate Off-Road Truck: The Shaman
April 9, 2020I like to go off-road as much as anybody I know and even though I have...
Machine Guns
The MG-42 vs The M-60 Presented By The Late-Great Gunny R. Lee Ermey
April 9, 2020Now before all of you “machine-gun aficionados” out there start in….before you say it, there really...
[Video] A Pure American Icon: The Lever Action Rifle
April 7, 2020When one thinks of America, you can’t do so without thinking of the lever action rifle,...
Here’s Something To Help Take Your Mind Off Of Being Stuck At Home: Beautiful Women Shooting Guns
April 7, 2020Since we’re all stuck at home during this pandemic, what can we do to make it...
This Is Why I ❤️ The S&W 500 Magnum
April 2, 2020You know what they say- “The BIGGER the gun…the MORE the fun!!”. Now, I don’t know...
2nd Amendment
[Video] Pro-Shooter Jerry Miculek Shows How You Can Turn Your AR-15 Into A Mini Gatling Gun
April 1, 2020Before we get down to the “Meat & Potatoes” of the subject, first let me educate you about...
Here’s Something That’ll Make Being Quarantined Easier…Watch As Vicky Stark & Friends Go Out To Catch Swordfish
April 1, 2020At this time in our nations history, when we are all being asked to stay at...
A Forgotten Military Sidearm: The Model 1917 Army Revolver Chambered In .45 ACP
March 30, 2020I don’t know what it is with me lately, but for some reason I have a...
If You Want To See What Effect The Different Types Of Shotgun Ammo Has On Flesh & Bone…Then Check This Out
March 29, 2020Now, I realize that this video is 7 years old, but it does answer a question...
This Is One BIG A$$ GUN: The PTRD-41 Anti-Tank Rifle
March 27, 2020Everyone seems to think that the Barrett .50 caliber rifle is the ‘big-boy’ on the block,...
‘Real Life’ Isn’t Like A Disney Cartoon…The Warthog Just Keeps Screaming As The Leopard Starts Eating
March 27, 2020This is nature in it’s raw element and a leopard gets to eat a warthog for...