Watch As A Baby Massissauga Rattlesnake Casually Suns Himself On A Rock

Here Are 5 Incredibly Shocking Snake Attacks Caught On Video
Here’s Something I’ll Bet You Didn’t Know: The Sidewinder Snake Slithers At 18 MPH
October 17, 2021If you ever find yourself out in the Mojave, or Sonoran Desert, this is one snake...
Rattlesnakes of Arizona: The 9 Species Of Venomous Pit Vipers From The Sonoran Desert
August 29, 2021Call me crazy, but even though I do quite a bit of research when I write...
Here Is Everything You Need To Know About The Copperhead
August 23, 2021If you’re not a fan of venomous snakes, then this article probably isn’t for you. By...
This Is Not For The Faint Of Heart…Snakes Can Eat Just About Anything (including each other)
August 4, 2021When it comes to snakes, most people either don’t mind them, or are terrified of them...
Watch As A Honey Badger And Mole Snake Fight To The Death In A Very Intense Video
January 4, 2021You would think that with a name like “Honey Badger”, one would be referring to a...
A Female Rock Python Is Hungry…And The Rabbit Never Saw It Coming
March 20, 2020The African Rock Python is a deadly predator and if you ever do happen to come...
Watch This Awesome Viral Video Of A Guy Who Feeds His King Cobra Pythons For Lunch
March 16, 2020First off, I want to mention, that even though the guy in the video is a...
The Most Aggressive Black Mamba Ever Faced By “Dingo Dinkelman” (This Guy Must Have A Death-Wish)
January 14, 2020If you are a fan of ‘Dingo’ Dinkelman, then you’re in for one helluva roller coaster...
Florida’s Most Venomous Snake…The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
December 28, 2019Here is one of Florida’s most venomous snakes- the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. The eastern diamondback rattlesnakes...
A Fight Between A Cottonmouth & A Rattlesnake…Yes Somebody Gets Eaten
December 7, 2019In a fight between a cottonmouth and a Rattlesnake, there almost seems to be something primordial...
[Video] Is This The World’s Largest Cottonmouth…You Decide
December 5, 2019Seeing a Cottonmouth this size, would make even the most experienced outdoors-man give it a wide...
Watch A Deadly Fight Between A Puff Adder & A Black Forest Cobra
November 27, 2019Simply put, we have two very dangerous and venomous snakes here, but the real question is-...
Great Viral Video Spotlights The 10 BIGGEST Snakes In The World
October 28, 2019To some folks, there is nothing more terrifying than a snake, especially all of the snakes...
The Cottonmouth VS Copperhead & How To Identify These Two Venomous Snakes
October 21, 2019If you are a resident of the southeastern United States, then you are used to seeing...
Couple In Florida Claim To Have Video Of “100 Pound Rattlesnake”
January 20, 2019What would you do if you were casually taking a drive, then suddenly saw a HUGE...