Stories By Richard Anthony
Be wary of other dangers during tropical weather!
August 30, 2017Seems Tropical Storm Harvey just won’t go away. After starting out as a hurricane and indundating...
You can help protect Delaware’s diamondback terrapins!
August 30, 2017Delaware is looking for volunteers! Volunteers are needed to help nesting diamondback terrapins. These terrapins live...
When life hands you a flood, go fishing! [Video]
August 28, 2017Houston and surrounding areas are proving they are more about America than the situation a few...
Saving Old Glory! [Video]
August 28, 2017Thank you Paul Goodloe! This Weather Channel reporter took a moment from his reporting to save...
Her salad had a little more protein than she wanted!
August 27, 2017Imagine you are in a hurry so you run by your local Target and grab a...
A little good news from Hurricane Harvey! [Video]
August 27, 2017I am a complete Weather Channel junkie during a hurricane. After spending 10 years in emergency management,...
Home’s pet saved by firefighters! [Video]
August 26, 2017Firefighters work hard to put out fires and are well trained to save a life if...
Montana wildfire started by a hungry hawk! [Video]
August 26, 2017A lot of western Montana is on fire right now. Thankfully, some temps in the 20’s...
2nd Amendment
Ohio Judge pulls out own weapon to defend himself in courthouse shooting!
August 21, 2017Judge Joseph J. Bruzzess, Jr. is in the hospital tonight recovering from gunshot wounds. His shooter...
Good news for Nebraska bighorn sheep hunters!
August 21, 2017Good news for bighorn sheep hunters in Nebraska. There will be a 2018 hunting season! Though...
Know your bull!
August 21, 2017In several states, hunters must be aware of antler size before pulling the trigger. These states...
Make sure your boat has a proper ventilation system! It could save your life.
August 20, 2017Arizona Game and Fish are reminding boaters to be safe on the water. Boating safety covers...
This is absolutley “amoozing”! [Video]
August 20, 2017This could take the cake on a funniest video show! I’m not even sure who gets...
Chasing pronghorn leads to conviction in New Mexico!
August 19, 2017When you do dumb things prepare to pay! For one Roswell, New Mexico man he learned...
Did you know migrating monarch butterfiles stop over in Michigan?
August 19, 2017I think I have added a new item to my bucket list. I love nature and...
Pennsylvania offers Labor Day fishing opportunities!
August 17, 2017Labor Day is fast approaching which also means summer is winding down. Fall will soon be...
Home intruder didn’t know who was home!
August 17, 2017A home intruder near Richmond, Virginia got more than he bargained for a few days ago....
2nd Amendment
Georgia offering women’s handgun training!
August 15, 2017You are never too old or too young to learn proper handgun techniques. Georgia’s Beyond Becoming...